Host and Guest Speaker
Host: Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
In this show you'll learn:
- The symptoms of gluten intolerance to determine if that might be the cause of what ails you (Hint: It might not be what you thought)
- What gluten is and where you will find it – including your health and beauty aids
- Ideas for how to live a gluten-free life
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Gluten, a protein found in most cereal grains, is perhaps the protein most consumed in greater quantities than any other protein. It has long been known that a small percentage of the population is intolerant to gluten, and gastrointestinal upset – including diarrhea, bloating, and flatulence – result from its consumption.
Less widely known is that gluten intolerance actually affects a larger population than originally thought, and the gastrointestinal effects may not be present until further along in the course of the disease. Initial symptoms may not start in the small intestine, and may affect any other body system. The most common systems to be effected are the central and peripheral nervous systems, the dermatological system, and the endocrine system.
Neurodevelopment disorders in children (such as autism and ADHD) have reached almost epidemic proportions, and have been linked to gluten intolerance. Fatigue, thyroid problems, brain fog, and even disorders like early Parkinson's disease have all been found to be connected to what has been known as “the staff of life”.
Most people think about gluten-intolerance as strictly being an intestinal problem – gas, bloating, diarrhea, and irritable bowel. As it turns out, looking at gluten-intolerance as strictly a gut thing is about as much the total picture as looking at a forest through a drinking straw.
Join Dr. Ritamarie as she discusses how one little protein could result in such widespread symptoms, and what the solution to this widespread problem of gluten intolerance might be. The answer to a myriad of health challenges can indeed be as basic as changing your ideas about the bread you eat.
Additional Resources:
If you're ready to explore the exciting world of gluten-free living, sign up for Dr. Ritamarie's Gluten-Free Survival Kit, which includes a set of e-books and resources that will teach you about what it means to live gluten-free. There are delicious recipes included to help you to start receiving the health benefits of living gluten-free right away.
Also check out Dr. Ritamarie's VITAL Health Community for additional resources that will give you cutting-edge science combined with the best of natural health wisdom to help you discover unprecedented vitality.