Radio Show: The Thyroid-Gut Connection

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A vegan human skeleton showing the functional health of the digestive system.

The human body by X-rays. intestine highlighted in red.Host:

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

In this show you'll learn:

  • How the Gut-Thyroid-Immune Connection impacts your energy and what you can do to restore balance
  • What your Gut Bacteria has to do with your Thyroid, and how to rebuild, repair, and restore your energy by feeding your microbiome
  • How you can heal the Gut-Thyroid Axis and recover from autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto's thyroiditis

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Hippocrates said: “All disease begins in the gut.” 2,500 years later we're just beginning to understand how right he was. And hypothyroidism is no exception. Poor gut health can suppress thyroid function and trigger Hashimoto's disease, and low thyroid function can lead to an inflamed and leaky gut.

RitamarieJoin Dr. Ritamarie as she discusses the influence of thyroid hormones on the gut. Low thyroid hormones make it difficult to heal the gut, and an inflamed and leaky gut contributes to just about every disease there is, including hypothyroidism. Fixing the gut is often the first – and most important step.

Dr. Ritamarie is the founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology, and has over 23 years of clinical experience as a functional medicine practitioner and clinical nutritionist. She's worked with thousands of people around the globe to restore balance to the hormones that control every day functions, and allows them the freedom of a body that is energetic, strong. and vibrant.

Her training and certifications in chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, and HeartMath, combined with her passion for creating delicious meals that heal the body. allow her to have a truly integrative and holistic approach that gets to the root cause rather than band-aiding health issues with symptom-suppressing strategies.

Additional Resources:

If you're ready to let go of old patterns and beliefs and finally bring your body into balance so your energy can soar and you feel confident, comfortable, and strong in your body, then sign up for a strategy session with one of our coaches. We've just opened enrollment for a year-long program that offers education, tools, mentorship, and coaching to recharge your energy, balance your hormones, heal your gut, and personalize your program based on your genetics. Become part of Dr. Ritamarie's Energy Recharge Inner Circle and step into the body and life you deserve..

If you've been struggling with a thyroid condition and you'd like to get to the root cause and get well, the Thyroid Revive and Thrive program is for you

Check out Dr. Ritamarie's VITAL Health Community for additional resources on the role that plants and herbs play on your hormones and digestive health, as well as strategies to include in your daily routines to achieve more vitality.

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1 Comment

  1. Murillo

    Maybe but not likely. You might need more prtoein. If you are on a vegetarian diet then that is probably the reason. I lost a beautiful head of hair by becoming vegetarian. Now it is taking me years to get my hair back and a lot of money on doctor visits.Stress can lead to hair loss. I lost tons of hair when I was eating too much tofu and soy products because it blocked my thyroid medication.My guess would be stress, even though you say no, you could be internalizing your stress. Try yoga and take prenatal vitamins. I have some friends who swear by them for healthier hair and nails.Yes, Rogaine will help but it is expensive and if you stop using it; all the hair you have grown will fall out.



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