Recipe of the Week: No Sugar Crash Peppermint Patties

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low glycemic crash peppermint patties recipes

Reaching for the candy in the afternoon to bring up your energy will leave you more tired and craving for another sugar kick. It's a vicious cycle.

These Crash Peppermint Patties break all the candy rules! They are low-glycemic, raw, and quick and easy to make, as well as bursting with flavor and blood-sugar-balancing nutrients.

Low Glycemic Crash Peppermint Patties


  • 1 cup Artisana coconut butter
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 10 drops stevia or 1/8 tsp green powdered stevia (or to taste. My husband wanted them to be a little sweeter. I liked them as is)
  • 1 cup cacao paste melted in the dehydrator (you can substitute cacao powder with cacao or coconut butter)
  • 1/8 cup coconut oil, melted
  • 10 drops chocolate or other flavored stevia, or erythritol, inulin, or other low-glycemic sweetener


  1. In a medium-sized bowl, mix the coconut butter, coconut oil, peppermint oil, and stevia. Adjust to your desired sweetness, as well as the strength of the peppermint flavor.
  2. Put in a silicon mold of your desired shape and allow to harden in the freezer (about 15 minutes). If you don’t have molds, pour into a parchment-lined baking dish and cut to desired shapes when partially hardened (they will tend to be irregular in shape)
  3. Combine the melted cacao, coconut oil, and sweetener in a medium-sized bowl.  Once the coconut mixture you put in the freezer is hardened, remove from the freezer and dip into the chocolate mixture.
  4. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet, and place back into the freezer until hardened. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator.

These are sure to delight your family, as well as satisfy your sweet tooth!

For more indulgent and blood-sugar stabilizing recipes, check out my free recipe guide HERE.

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