The Power of Gratitude for Energy and Balance: Dr. Ritamarie’s Appreciations for Today – Day 20

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Thanksgiving cornucopia png is a celebration of functional health and optimal health.

In my family of origin, the day after Thanksgiving was always the start of Christmas shopping and a day to feast on the leftovers from our Thanksgiving feast.  I have fond memories of going out as a family, to a discount store, each of us with a dollar or two to spend on each sibling.  There were nine of us in total, and at the time of these memories, likely there were 6 of us. I remember the joy of finding just the right gift for each sibling, within the “budget”  and the joy of returning home to yet another Thanksgiving feast.

The tradition of beginning Christmas shopping the day after Thanksgiving has given way to a national shopping frenzy, known as “Black Friday Sales”.  Stores offer limited quantities of very discounted prices and people line up in the wee hours of the morning to be first in line for the specials.  In recent years there have even been reports of people being trampled to death in the frenzy to get to the goods first.

This is yet another example of a well intentioned tradition gone awry, as the attitude of gratitude has given way to greed and selfishness.

In honor of my childhood tradition, I decided to offer a “Gratitude Weekend”  sale.  No pressure, no competition.  Simply honest savings of up to 75% on health enhancing resources to make your life more joyful and comfortable.

Gratitude Weekend is described HERE.

So, now on to today's Appreciations.  There's so much for which to be thankful.

Dr. Ritamarie's Appreciations for Today – Day 20

  1. I am thankful for the warmer than usual weather in Chicago.  Often when we visit at this time of year, the temperatures dip well below freezing and there's frequently snow.  Temperatures in the 50's with sunshine are so appreciated.
  2. I am grateful to see major improvement in my mother-in-law's dementia.  She just turned 89 and the last time I was with her she had no memory, didn't recognize any of us and couldn't even finish a sentence coherently.  This time, she was conversational, knew me and we had a pleasant time together.  I helped her write cards for all of her 12 grandchildren, and with only a small amount of prompting, she was remembering the kids' names, ages and certain personality traits.  It was a heart warming experience.
  3. I am thankful for the extra rest I am getting while away.  I'm playing catch up for my sleep deprivation over the past few months and it feels really good.

If you're looking to experience more energy, health and joy, join me on this appreciation journey and watch magical things unfold.

Comment below with 3 things you appreciate today.

With Great Love and Appreciation,

Dr. Ritamarie

Go ahead, give yourself an energy boost. Comment below about what you appreciate today.

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1 Comment

  1. Laura

    I am thankful for a quiet day at work

    I appreciated lunch with my friend Barb at Cafe Gratitude

    I appreciated the concern of my Mom’s doctor when he called me


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