14 Ways to Supercharge Your Health With Whole Foods

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vegetables for vibrant health

There's a hot off the press brand new f'ree e-book called “14 Ways to Supercharge Your Health With Whole Foods” and it explains WHY some so-called “health foods” are aging you, and which foods are the real nutrient powerhouses.

I got a sneak preview of the book this weekend, during a seminar I attended with the author, Trevor Justice and I have been chomping at the bit to tell you about it.  It's available today (yeah!)and I can't wait for you to get your hands on it.

What I love about the book is that Trevor takes a variety of categories of foods, like bread, pasta, sweeteners, crackers, chips, ice cream substitutes, salad dressings, cheese substitutes and more, compares different foods in each category and ranks them as most processed, less processed and optimal.  There are lots of nutrition charts comparing the best and worst in each category on a nutrient level.  Plus, each section has at least one recipe for the optimal selection in that category.  It's an awesome resource and it's absolutely f'ree.

There's even a quiz so you can assess your own Healthy Eating Score.  So many processed foods are marketed as “health foods”, misleading people who desire to eat well.

Don't be fooled.  Take the quiz, get your score then use your complimentary copy of this awesome new ebook:  “14 Ways to Supercharge Your Health With Whole Foods” to make your healthiest possible choices. (The recipes are by some of the most popular raw foods and vegan chefs and authors!)

Go here now to take the quiz and get your f^ree e-book!

Love, Health and Joy,

Dr. Ritamarie

P.S. There's one small area of the book that I disagree on the optimal food in the category.  In fact, what i think is
optimal is not even listed there.  Can you guess?

Go here now to take the quiz and get your f^ree e-book!

Comment below when you figure it out.

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
9508 Bell Mountain Drive
Austin, Texas 78730
(877) 727-5992

To help us get back to you quickly, please address all comments and support questions to https://drritamarie.com/helpdesk

Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN

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  1. Vicky White

    I imagine the category you didn’t agree with was the one on fruit juices with smoothies as one of the choices. I chose freshly squeezed juice as I didn’t imagine the smoothies he listed in this category were the green smoothies I have every day.

    How they could be listed under fruit juices I don’t know – perhaps his smoothie option is some kind of pasteurized and bottled smoothy??

    Am I right – is this the one you disagreed with??

    • Ritamarie Loscalzo

      Hey Vicky…it was actually the essene bread instead of whole wheat bread. I urged him to include gluten free raw bread as the ideal…So many people are ssensitive to gluten that i don’t thing even essene bread is an optimal choice.
      I am in agreement with the fruit juice vs smoothie.

      Most processed: fruit drinks containing additives like corn syrup
      Less processed: pasteurized fruit juice
      Optimal: whole fruit, smoothie, or fresh squeezed juice

      I think he’s saying the optimal is either whole fruit, a smoothie or fresh squeezed juice. The recipe he gives in the book is a green smoothie recipe.


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