How would you like to look in the mirror every morning and LOVE your body?
And how would you like to discover the real truth about why diets don’t work and learn how you can FINALLY begin to release unwanted weight?
Joining Dr. Ritamarie is body image expert, Laura Fenamore. Laura went from being overweight, eating from garbage cans and struggling with herself to releasing over 100lbs and keeping it off for over 25 years. Today she has helped hundreds of women do the same.
In this call learn:
- Why most women experience the Yo-Yo diet effect of gaining and releasing weight, and how you can do to get off this roller coaster once and for all.
- The 3 Ms that every woman needs in her life.
Additional Resources:
Join Laura Fenamore for a power packed transformational teleseminar expanding on today's call:
Click here to download…