People are always asking me what I do on Valentine’s Day since I’m not a fan of eating candy and other unhealthy rituals and now, I’m spilling the beans.
I’ve already shared one of my favorite desserts. This year, I’m on a mission to end all future Valentine’s Day rituals that require you to put your health on the backburner in exchange for sweet, heart-shaped treats and lavishly rich dinners.
After working with clients for 25+ years, I’ve figured out how you can celebrate the important candy-eating holidays in your life without sacrificing your health and your waistline. Here are three strategies that you can use to create new and memorable health promoting rituals.
1. Celebrate and thank the one person you can count on to be there every moment in your life, through thick and thin, good times and challenging ones and until you take your last breath…YOU. Do something special for yourself. Self love and care is health care.One of the best ways to improve the quality of your health and increase your energy and longevity is to consistently make time to reward and acknowledge yourself.
Take a minute right now to stroke and massage your shoulders, arms and hands. Doesn’t that feel great? Plan a time for a candle-lit hot bath, or an evening in bed to read, write or meditate. What’s your favorite pass time? What do you love to do? Reward yourself by scheduling time to do it. Schedule it right NOW.
2. Create special treats for your loved ones using whole, fresh, organic and living foods.
As a special Valentine’s Day gift from me to you.
3. Make aphrodisiac foods a part of the celebration, to spark some passion into your love life. These traditionally include:
- Almond – aroma is supposed to induce passion in a female.
- Arugula – has been documented as an aphrodisiac since the first century A.D.
- Avocado – The Aztecs called the tree the “testicle tree”.
- Basil – Is supposed to stimulate the sex drive and boost fertility.
- Chocolate – contains PEA, a neurotransmitter that stimulates a feeling of love and connection.
- Fennel – a source of natural plant estrogen, fennel was used in the early Egyptian times as “libido enhancement”.
- Figs – An open fig is said to resemble the female sex organs and traditionally thought of as sexual stimulant.
Garlic – is said to stir sexual desires. - Mustard – is believed to stimulate the sex glands and increase desire.
- Pine Nuts – have been used to stimulate the libido as far back as Medieval times.
- Raspberries and Strawberries – are described in erotic literature as fruit nipples
- Vanilla – The scent and flavor is believed to increase lust.
Jot me a note in the comments box. Share your favorite aphrodisiac foods and let me know how you plan to show self love. Don’t just wait for Valentine’s Day 2017. Show yourself some self love daily.
Organic India’s Sweet Rose and Cinnamon Rose tulsi teas are among my personal “self-love” rituals. Just the aromas are so calming & peaceful — and the flavors are even better. They have quickly become two of my favorite afternoon or evening “relaxation” teas.