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Featured Video
Burst Training and Exercise
to Reduce Belly Fat and Brain Fog
July Monthly Special:
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Vibrant Heath Radio
Upcoming Shows Adrenal Fatigue – Causes, Dangers and Cures – Encore Presentation Your adrenal glands each weigh less than a grape, yet are responsible for one of the most important functions in your body: managing stress. Learn the main causes of adrenal fatigue and get practical protocols for healing and recharging your burned out adrenals.
Show details and access Upcoming Events with
Dr. Ritamarie VITAL Q&A Call: Wed, July 17, 7:30 PM CDT
Private, Register HERE
VITAL Mini-Cleanse:
Wed. & Thurs., July 17 – 18 LIVE group mini-cleanse Private, Register HERE Taking a break from eating for a day or two as often as once a week can hugely benefit your desire to achieve and maintain your perfect body weight and keep your blood sugar and hormones in balance. VITAL Healing Kitchen Webinar: Fun Foods and Magical Elixirs for Adrenal Support Sat., July 28, 3:00 PM CDT Private, Register HERE If you've been burnt out and blue, it's time to get fresh and fun with elixirs that will knock your socks off and turn your mojo on!
Dr. Ritamarie Recommends
July 11th, is International Raw Food Day! To celebrate, I'm offering you a free gift – my VITAL Solutions Raw Food Remedies for Thyroid Health double video and e-book package. Plus, you'll get access to 35 more raw food gifts and give-aways.
by Nomi Shannon & Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Over half a century of experience, training, hands-on know-how and wisdom are packed into this life-changing product, available as either a physical Book & CD or a digital eBook (PDF) and MP3 (Audio) download. Latest on the Blog
By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Dr. Ritamarie's Living Foods Meetup
Once a month, you can join us LIVE in Austin, Texas for a local raw food potluck where you can:
Upcoming Dates 2013
July 27th, 6:30 p.m. CDT August 31st, 6:30 p.m. CDT September28th, 6:30 p.m. CDT
Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Ritamarie's Living Foods Meetup!
Find out all the details on what to bring and what to expect. Tip of the Week:
“Burst and Burn” Before Bed!
About 2 hours after your last meal of the day and at least 1 hour before bed, do a 2-minute burst of high intensity exercise.
This strategy helps you burn whatever sugar is still in your blood stream from your last meal, helps decrease insulin levels, and prepares the body for fat burning during sleep.
For more about Burst Training see our Featured Video above.
This tip is taken from our B4 Be Gone Program. Details HERE. |
Adrenal, Thyroid and
Raw Food Resources July 12, 2013
Hi Health-Seeker,
I sure hope your holiday weekend (US Independence Day!) was as great as mine.
My son was in a baseball tournament and I attended 5 games! I have had to miss most of his games this season because they were out of town.
It was nice to relax and just watch his team play.
On Saturday, Scott and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary with massages, swimming and hot tubbing, then a surprisingly outstanding dinner at an interior Mexican place that had lots of vegetables and great guacamole.
I am now in California for a coaching retreat.
It’s always nice to be in a learning and growing environment.
This week’s radio show is a replay of one of my favorites, Adrenal Fatigue – Causes, Dangers and Cures – Encore Presentation. It's just the thing when you've had a potentially stressful week (see my Feature Article below to see why I've had to maintain my cool in the face of frustration). And everyone will be able to take a big, deep, healing breath together because we’ll soon be opening a brand new program called Correcting Adrenal Fatigue and Exhaustion in just a few days. We’ve nicknamed it CAFE, and you can get on the early bird list and get early access to extra bonuses here:
And in case you haven't heard, July 11th is International Raw Food Day.
Enjoy this month’s Zen-sational feature article on how to stay flexible in the face of frustration and then roll with the punches by making up my yummy Cauliflower Nori Roll recipe.
With Love and Appreciation,
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Flexibility as a Health Key RevisitedI am a big fan of going with the flow.
Frankly, most of the time there isn't really a choice about the things we tend to get all worried and upset about anyway.
Case in point…my website has been a mess for a few weeks.
I declare my independence from useless worry and concern.I choose to spend my precious energy on things that bring joy and vitality. Will you join me?What worry do you choose to let go of today?
What are you grateful for? I for one am grateful for my amazing team and my dedicated readers. You're truly a blessing in my life. And I know you will understand if some of the things we have planned for you come a week later than scheduled. With Love and Appreciation,
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
3 Most Commonly Overlooked Strategies for Solving Difficult Cases
WARNING: If you unsubscribe to any of my e-mails, ALL e-mails will cease — including messages related to any upcoming, current, or previously purchased programs or products. Dr Ritamarie, LLC 9508 Bell Mountain Drive Austin, Texas 78730 United States (877) 727-5992
Spicy Macadamia Walnut Dip: A Heart-Healthy Sauce with a Kick
It’s raw; it’s real; it’s from the heart—my heart. People often ask me where I find the drive to do what I do—why I’m...