Appreciation Overcomes Fatigue: Dr. Ritamarie’s Gratitude Journal Day 2

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Appreciation gives you energy; therefore, it's a great antidote for chronic fatigue and adrenal exhaustion.

Yesterday, I started an Appreciation Journal, and I plan to continue to  share my appreciations every day  for 30 days.  Who knows, maybe I'll continue after that.

If you're looking to experience more energy, health and joy, join me on this appreciation journey and watch magical things unfold.  Comment below with 3 things you appreciate today.

Dr. Ritamarie's Appreciations for Today – Day 2

  1. I appreciate the sunshine and warmth we had today – especially since it's November!
  2. I appreciate the energy my morning green drink gives me!
  3. I appreciate my computer because it connects me people around the world!

As I move through my day I like to play the appreciation game.  Every time there's a change of scenery, I need to find 3 new things to appreciate in the new location.

Try it.

You'll find yourself walking around brimming with joy!

With Great Love and Appreciation,

Dr. Ritamarie

Go ahead, give yourself an energy boost.  Comment below about what you appreciate today.

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  1. Laura

    I appreciate making good food choices yesterday on the road. I appreciate the kindness of strangers. I appreciate learning how to let go.

  2. Yvette

    1. I deeply appreciate Dr. Ritamarie’s wisdom about creating energy for life by being always appreciative and in an “attitude of gratitude”.

    2. I greatly appreciate high-speed access to the Internet and the incredible wealth of information at my fingertips available on the Web (World-Wide Web, WWW, or W3).

    3. I appreciate with awe the gift of life and the opportunity to use my knowledge, skills, and talents in the service of others.

  3. Debbie

    I appreciate the beautiful bright children I get to work with in my church responsibilities.
    I appreciate fasting so I can appreciate the abundance of beautiful, clean, healthy food I have available to me so easily.
    I appreciate getting to skype with my adorable grandchildren!

  4. Jo Hatcher

    I appreciate that the sun is shining & that my son is home for a visit

    I’m grateful that my body is lighter and I can think more clearly & have more energy

    I’m grateful for so many wonderful opportunities in my life.

  5. Mary

    1. I appreciate the down day I had to catch up to the poster I have to have done.
    2. I appreciate my little dog-Algodon, who loves me no matter what.
    3. I appreciate the friend and coworkers who are especially kind to me helping me with my poster.


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