Detoxification and Health: Overcoming Chronic Disease by Unburdening your Body

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A man standing in water with functional health and thyroid.

What would the world be like if we all felt good… all the time?

Its a wonderful fantasy.




We'd be left with joy, generosity, love, caring, beauty…..

If everyone felt good, there would be no need to hurt others, feel less than or engage in activities that are self destructive, other destructive or planet destructive. Everyone would be too busy enjoying life to bother with hurtful activities.

When was the last time you felt really good? I mean REALLY good…as in jumping for joy, full of energy, bursting with love?

It's easy to get caught up in the stress of the moment and lose track of whats really important.

The Cancer Toxicity Connection

A recent guest on my Blog Talk Radio Show was Dr. Brian Clement of Hippocrates Health Institute. We talked about cancer, and the primary cause of cancer, namely a breakdown of the immune system as a result of exposure to toxic elements in food, water, environment and emotions. If you missed the show, you can listen in here:

Less than half an hour later, I was interviewed by Tera Warner of the Raw Divas on the subject of detoxification. The calls tied in so well together.

All effective cancer management needs to include detoxification. According to oncologist Thomas Lodi in Arizona, the first step in cancer management needs to be “Stop Making Cancer” by stopping the activities, foods, exposures and thoughts that cause cancer to get out of control. The next step is “killing” the cancer cells.

Western medicine has a distorted approach. The therapies that are aimed at killing the cancer with no attention to building up your body's natural defenses are doomed to failure. It's like a race to see if they can destroy the cancer before the treatment destroys you.

Regular detoxification is a great way to cleanse and restore immune function and thus can help prevent cancer. In addition, regular cleansing programs lead to more energy and overall health improvement.

Most health complaints that I come across in clinical practice result from a body out of balance. Your inborn detoxification systems are designed to handle the “normal” toxic exposure – from your metabolic processes and a few environmental things that sneak in. Our modern world has become so overwhelmed with toxic exposure. The food supply is poisened with pesticides and fungicides and other toxins that are damaging to your immune and nervous systems. Drinking water is treated with chlorine. The air is filled with car exhaust, factory fumes, and outgassing from the myriad of plastics and chemicals used in paints, cleaning products and a long list of other “modern conveniences”

With all the exposures, your natural detoxification mecahnisms become overloaded, and the chemicals that should be neutralized and eliminated get caught in the backlog and are recycled and stored in your precious cells. The result? You don't feel so good!

Symptoms of Toxicity

Symptoms of body toxicity include skin rashes, depression, difficulty focusing, digestive problems, sinus congestion, headaches, “brain fog”, hormone imbalances, autoimmune disease and persistant weight gain that doesn't seem to respond to calorie restriction.

When I was in my 20's I suffered from many of these symptoms. You can read my full story at

After my first cleanse, I was on cloud nine. Symptoms I'd experienced for decades began to melt away and I became more clear headed and energetic than I'd ever dreamed possible.

To learn more about the benefits of detox, listen in on my interview with Tera Warner .


If you'd like to experience the profound changes that detox can bring, join us for the next 6 week detox program. You'll be guided step by step through the process of reduciing toxic exposure, restoringn and rebuilding digestive function, and enhancing your liver's ability to neutralize and eliminate stored toxins. The result? You'll feel lighter, more energetic and emotionally balanced than you ever thought possible. We're startign the preparatory phase of our 6-Week Deep Tissue Detox on Monday!

As a special bonus for new members

4 audio recordings and e-book transcripts

1- Candida and Leaky Gut

2- Unlocking the Gut-Brain Connection Behind Brain Fog, ADHD, Autism, Depression and more

3- Hormones, Thyroid Imbalances, Weight Gain & Water Retention

4- Understanding Environmental Sensitivities & Allergies

The special bonuses we're offering on this call are for new registrations only. After May 17th, they will no longer be offered again for


Join the Six Week Detox Program:

Love, health and Joy to you,

Dr. Ritamarie

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