Prescriptions Don’t Find the Root Cause of Your Chronic Symptoms or Disease!

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rp_vitamins.jpgI truly believe we all need to change our mindset and behavior in order to fix today’s health care system.  This system is seriously broken.

Practitioners like me – and every medical professional AND PATIENT throughout the medical system – need to get out of the “disease management” state of mind! People are slowly deteriorating from chronic disease and all they get, all our sophisticated medical community seemingly is equipped to provide, is often simply a band-aid… unfortunately a band-aid usually in the form of one or more pills.

Prescriptions simply manage symptoms and diseases. They do not get to the root cause. They often do not result in the quality of life and longevity that people deserve. In many cases, people start requiring additional prescriptions to manage the symptoms created by earlier prescriptions (also likely prescribed by a completely different doctor for a completely different reason). It’s called polypharmacy syndrome. And it isn’t right.

So why am I telling YOU this? You aren’t a practitioner, after all.

Because until such time that the system is better, YOU need to take control of your own health. You need to become informed and empowered.

Sure, work with a practitioner… but also become your own health detective and best health advocate!

In recent blogs I’ve talked about how to improve your health and become your own health advocate by:

If you read through just these four blogs you will learn a lot about how to make better daily choices about what you eat, as well as how you think, breathe, and feel.

But I hope you will do more than just read them!

I hope you will act.

Take the first step. Take your own blood sugar readings.Blood glucose testing is an easy test and very important

Screening for early signs of insulin resistance is so important to staying disease-free, and it's easy to do!  Watch this video where I show you the steps in testing your own blood sugar.

Then move on from there to the next step.

Do some functional testing.

Learning a bit about the state of YOUR physiology and chemistry can be so empowering. The functional tests that I recommend can be done without a physician’s prescription. You can truly “deep-dive” into your health. Do you have insulin resistance? Do you have hypoglycemia? Metabolic syndrome? Maybe even diabetes? Are you deficient in Vitamin D? How’s your thyroid? Check out my earlier blog and then go onto the lab sites to learn more.

Consider joining me at my upcoming Spring Into Vitality conference.

It is a hands-on, intensive, 3-day event where you will learn:

  • What lab tests you can take at home to assess the cause of your symptoms
  • How to interpret your own blood chemistry
  • How to identify your specific hormone imbalances
  • How to identify and heal the key stressed areas of your body
  • How to evaluate your environment and also the products you use for toxins and stressors on your optimal health
  • And so much more… (you can learn more and see testimonials from last year’s class here)

I, along with my staff, will be providing some onsite support for you to enjoy, as well as the support of a community of like-minded people just like you.

We will keep you well-nourished and happy all weekend long with revitalizing and delicious gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, plant-based, low-glycemic GOURMET meals.

With the information and the support we give you during our 3 days together, you walk away with new techniques, an implementation PLAN, and a completely different mindset that renders willpower almost unnecessary. You will be in control of your health and your happiness!

Take your life back. You just need the right tools and strategies!  We can help with that.

I hope you’ll consider it.

  Let me know in the COMMENTS section below if you’ve tried taking your blood sugar readings yet. How did it go? Did you find it easy? What did you find out?


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