Dr. Ritamarie’s Then and Now – Birthday Thoughts and Remembering Mom

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April 4 was my birthday.  Ironically, on this same day my mom gave me life she also took her last breath – back in 1991.

As a result, celebrating my birthday is bitter sweet.

I get to celebrate another year of life, joy and abundant health, a career that is fulfilling beyond belief and a wonderful family I love and cherish deeply.

I also get to celebrate my mom with gratitude to her for the gift of life and with a pang of sadness that she is no longer with us “in the flesh”.  As a result of losing both parents at a young age, I have learned to deeply cherish connecting to those I love and let them know regularly.

My birthday celebration was joyful.  My kids got me cards that would bring a tear to any mother’s eyes, filled with expressions of appreciation and love.   Here I am with my almost teenager, Kevin.  Luckily he's still a cuddler.

We were joined by dear friends at Beets Café in Austin, a fantastic living foods restaurant, for a delicious celebration meal.

I feel so blessed and thankful.

In celebration of my birthday, and in honor of my mother, whose life might been saved  had she been guided to the diet and lifestyle choices that restore and create vibrant health,   I’ve put together some gifts and special offers, as a token of appreciation to you for allowing me to live my passion.

There are two products I’m offering for free and many more at huge discounts.

The special Birthday Party Discounts are available until the end of my birthday week, Friday, April 8, at midnight so hurry and get access to some amazing products and services.

I am even offering an introductory consultation with me for 55% off to the first 10 who sign up.

Dr. Ritamarie's Birthday Gifts for YOU

With Love and gratitude,

Dr. Ritamarie

P.S.  Let me know if you think my baby picture looks like me.  Comment below.

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  1. Fay

    Loved your “birthday bash” Ritamarie … thanks for sharing so much with us. I am so grateful for all the “lamp-bearers” along the way on Life’s Journey. Bless you.
    No …I can’t really see any resemblance to your baby photo. But we all are moving along in a wonderful adventure, not staying on the same page, so perhaps we shouldn’t expect you to look the same. Hugs !!

  2. Tamara Locke

    You are a great poster girl for the raw whole foods diet. It’s no secret to me what yur age now is, but your photos would never betray that truth. Thank you for the many birthday specials. Your food preparation courses are particularly special to me.



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