Empowering Health: A look at What’s Really Important

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As you know if you've been receiving my news for a while, this was a year of change for me, both personally and professionally.

When someone you love gets sick and dies, it puts life into perspective.  I watched my sister get sick and die of cancer and my heart went out to all of you who've suffered such a loss, who've battled with cancer or know someone who is currently dealing with the effects of cancer.  You would be a rare exception if you didn't fit in one of those categories.

Billions of dollars a year are spent on cancer treatments.  Billions more are spent on cancer research.  Of those dollars spent on research only 2% are spent on prevention.  56% are spent on finding a cure.  This according to statistics gathered in Canada and reported on http://www.bcam.qc.ca/newsbriefs/researchdollars.html

Cancer is second only to heart disease as cause of death in the U.S.   According to countless sources on the internet, medical studies and leading scientists, most cancer (and heart disease, too) is preventable.

My sister's death strengthened my passion for educating and empowering you and people like you around the world to take charge of your health and avoid becoming yet another statistic.  Besides, I really want you to LIVE your life, with joy and purpose, with the energy to have fun and enjoy meaningful relationships.

As a result of a lot of soul searching and thinking, I've decided to shift my way of doing things.  I need to take my message and my ability to inspire and motivate positive change to more of you, and I have some amazing plans for doing that.  But, I won't get ahead of myself.

Here's a glimpse of what's to come:

1) Saturday, November 22, 2008 : Join me for my monthly raw foods potluck.  If

you're new, go to https://drritamarie.com/meetup and sign up to receive the address.  Find out what to bring by going to https://drritamarie.com/potluck.htm

If your adventurous, try making a Thanksgiving type recipe

2) Sunday, December 14, 2008: Finally, a live event.  I'll be doing a class for the first time since April.  I'm excited.  This class will be different than anything I've done before.  It will be empowering, informative and lots of fun.  I'll be doing things I've never done before in front of a live audience.

  • Clean out the Fridge Recipes: I'll be teaching you how to make delicious, healthy meals on the fly, by using ingredients on hand. Bring in some fresh, raw fruits, vegetables, nuts or seeds and I'll work with them.
  • Recipe Re-do. Send me your favorite holiday recipes in advance and I'll pick a couple and demonstrate how to create amazingly healthy versions.
  • Recipe Request: Let me know what you'd like to learn to make and I'll do as many as I can.
  • Open Question and Answer session: Ask me any health or diet related question and if I can't answer it on the spot, I'll get an answer and respond on an FAQ page.
  • Bring a friend for half price.
  • Raffles and Prizes: You'll have a chance to win e-books, programs and services.

If you're interested in the class, email: [email protected] and write December Class in the subject line.  You'll get priority seating as soon as I announce the details and you'll qualify for bonuses and special pricing.

3) Saturday, December 27, 2008: Join me for my monthly raw foods potluck.  If you're new, go to https://drritamarie.com/meetup and sign up to receive the address.  Find out what to bring by going to https://drritamarie.com/potluck.htm

4) February 2009: Kickoff of the most amazing, life changing, empowering and supportive health program ever.  This program will be include multimedia learning, coaching, inspirational guest speakers, master-mind support groups and more. It will be like having your very own personal health coach for a fraction of the price.  My goal is to price this so that there is no one who cannot afford it if they really want it.  I'll be announcing the details in a few weeks.

5) Office Hours: I'll be limiting the number of hours per week that I'm available for private consultations and hands on work to about 10.   This will free up some time for creating programs to reach more people.  Please call me soon if you'd like an appointment.  They are filling up fast.

I have room for just a few more participants in my special one month coaching program.  For details, go to https://drritamarie.com/Coaching.htm I also have several openings for Break through Strategy sessions. To learn more,  go to

Love and Health,

Dr. Ritamarie


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