As the mashed potatoes and gravy call to you and the apple pie and pretty cookies lure you, I ask you to stop and consider the dangers in those foods and explore healthy alternatives like the delicious and festive cookie recipes I'm sharing with you today.
In addition to the blood destabilizing effects of the sugar and flour, these typical holiday foods cause havoc in your immune system.
When your immune system reacts to food as if it were a dangerous bacteria or virus, you experience discomfort and inflammation. We generally refer to these types of reactions as food allergies or hyper-sensitivities.
Hidden food allergies cause many serious health challenges that often puzzle doctors and patients alike. That's why I am offering a FREE teleseminar:
Turning Food Allergies Inside Out:
The Causes, Culprits, and Cures
Tuesday, January 3rd, 7:30 p.m. Central
Are the Foods You Eat Naughty or Nice?
At the top of the list of common food allergens are gluten and dairy. All your favorite holiday goodies are high in both.
It's easy to identify and avoid food allergens when they cause obvious signs like hives, diarrhea, or difficulty breathing.
It becomes a bit more tricky when the reactions are not immediate or dramatic. Reactions that are delayed and subtle are less likely to be attributed to the offending food because there doesn't seem to be a direct cause/effect relationship.
I have worked with thousands of patients over the years. Many say to me that they have no food allergies — wheat doesn't bother them, dairy is not an issue — only to find out that eliminating these foods and eating more fresh, whole green foods clears up long-standing, chronic problems related to inflammation.
Inflammation: The Grinch that Steals Health
Unfortunately, most doctors don't recognize the relationship between food and conditions like irritable bowel, celiac, Crohn's, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, eczema, psoriases, fibromyalgia, lupus, and even MS and heart disease.
Hidden food allergens trigger inflammation. Food allergens in your body overwork, confuse and weaken your immune system. In many cases, the ultimate consequence of not addressing hidden food allergies is autoimmune and heart diseases.
Heart disease, the number-one killer in America, is caused by inflammation. What most people don't realize is that cholesterol is an anti-inflammatory substance that's triggered by inflammation in your blood vessels. Inflammation is frequently triggered by toxins, allergens, and improperly digested food.
Inflammation triggers a stress response in your body, leading to overworked adrenal glands and subsequent fatigue and serious health challenges. Many people suffering from arthritis, fibromyalgia, and joint pain can be helped by identifying and eliminating foods that trigger an immune response.
So ask yourself as you reach for the cookies and mashed potatoes with gravy – is it worth the risk?
“I Will Honour Christmas in my Heart, and Try to Keep it All the Year.”
While many of our holidays are centered around food, when we look closely at these gathering times, it's more about our relationships and celebrations of LIFE.
The gluten and dairy in many foods may leave you bloated, tired, and irritable. Long-term, these foods or other hidden food allergies may lead to debilitating pain and inflammation. They also greatly increase your risk for heart attack and diabetes. They take away from the very thing you wish to celebrate!
So this holiday season, try something different.
I've posted a yummy Christmas cookie recipe that is free of gluten, dairy, and sugar. The sweetener is dates, a whole food. If you prefer to avoid all sweets, even fruits, there's also a low-glycemic version of the recipe there too.
When you choose to make healthy alternatives for your favorite holiday recipes like these cookies on my blog and those in my e-book, Healthy Holiday Traditions: Nourishing Recipes for Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's Celebrations, you'll not only feel more energetic and lighter, enjoy a smaller waistline and clearer thinking, you'll reduce overall inflammation in your body and set the stage for healing or avoiding chronic pain, auto-immune disease, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Because inflammation of your intestinal lining impairs the production of serotonin, you'll also reduce the risk of depression, anxiety, insomnia, PMS, cravings, and attention disorders as well.
A Free New Year's Resolution You Can Start Today!
So think twice. Prepare in advance and make healthy alternatives this holiday season. Then join me on January 3rd, 2012 for our free teleseminar to find out the full scoop on food allergies and learn:
- What causes your immune system to attack your food
- The step-by-step events that occur during a food allergy reaction
- The most common food culprits that trigger reactions
- How to clear and cure your food allergies
- Positive ideas for enjoying your food and loving life
Register HERE:
I wish you happy, healthy and love filled holidays,
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
P.S. I have seen many people think they could get away with “just one cookie” then set foot on a slippery slope into eating too much and compromising both their physical and emotional well being.
Food allergies cause food addiction.
SO do yourself a favor. Make my 6-minute cookies and earn more about how to determine if hidden food allergies are getting between you and your slim, vibrant and energetic self.
Register HERE: