Food Cravings: What a Travelling Gluten-Free Raw Food Diet Enthusiast Wants Most

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A woman is indulging in gluten-free chocolate with her mouth open, satisfying her food cravings.

After over two weeks, I'm back home again and it feels GREAT!

I appreciate the little things that being on the road and cramped into my back seat of the car office doesn't afford me:

  • like a wide screen monitor
  • a keyboard on which to type rapidly (I love my iPad but typing is a slow and inaccurate process)
  • oh and did I mention my blender?
  • and my refrigerator?

While we did take the blender on the road and used it when we were in hotels and friends' homes, I just never got brave enough to try to plug it into the outlet we had that turned the car power outlet into a 3 pronger.

I guess I was afraid to blow a circuit because of the high horsepower or for the liquid to go sloshing all over the place while we drove.

Seriously, someday I may try it, but truth be known my green smoothies while we drove the 33 hours from Massachusetts to Austin were made from green powders mixed with chia seeds and protein powder and shaken in a mason jar.

So when I finally got to put fresh produce in the blender again after our 3 days of driving, I was in heaven.

It's interesting how when deprived of something — we crave it.

My craving yesterday was for arugula, and my dinner was a 16-ounce box of arugula, massaged and seasoned in a craving-inspired, impromptu recipe I created that I'm happy to share with you:

My Home “Uncooked” Meal: Spicy Arugula Salad


  • 1 16-oz. box of pre-washed baby arugula
  • 1/2 jar raw, cultured, organic, spicy red cabbage sauerkraut (local brand: Straight From the Vine)
  • 1/2 box pear tomatoes
  • 1/2 box sunflower sprouts
  • 1/4 teaspoon pink salt
  • juice of 1 small lemon
  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 tablespoon Mexican seasoning
  • pinch of cayenne
  • 2 tablespoons hemp seeds


  1. Massage arugula with salt until it is wilted and shrunk to at least half the original volume.
  2. Add the remainder of ingredients and mix well.
  3. Enjoy!


On the Calendar

We have a lot planned for the fall, including some really great radio shows, articles, recipes, and videos.

For now, here are a couple of VITAL Community calls you can access right away by becoming a member:

Low-Glycemic Desserts that Keep Your Blood Sugar Steady and Your Gut Flora Friendly
Saturday, August 25th, at 3:00 p.m. CDT

Recording available to all VITAL members

Join Dr. Ritamarie as she prepares delicious, decadent, and guilt-free desserts!

Watch an on-the-fly recipe makeover… a recipe from her Desserts, Making it Rich book, re-done to become low-glycemic.

Here is your chance to see how Dr. Ritamarie works her creative magic in the kitchen!

Sign up to below to become a VITAL member and get your access details on the VITAL Schedule page:

VITAL Health Topics Call:
To Do or Not to Do Dairy: Opinions, Fiction, Myths, and Scientific Factsto dairy, or not to dairy
Wednesday, August 29th, at 7:30 pm. CDT

With all the controversy and confusion surrounding whether you should or shouldn't drink animal milk, you may be feeling… “udderly” confused.

Join Dr. Ritamarie and “mooove” past the myths and fictions and let the facts rise to the top.

Sign up to below to become a VITAL member and get your access details on the VITAL Schedule page:

I've got more to share with you next week, but for now I'm going to spend some more quality time with my fridge and my blender! I look forward to connecting soon.

Post a comment below and let me know your burning health question and what topics you’d like to see covered in blog posts and webinars.

Love, Health, and Joy,

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

Dr. Ritamarie

P.S. Be sure to get registered for the VITAL Healing Kitchen show if you are not already a member. Even if you can't make the live show, you can get access to the recording, plus 2 months of back recordings and the recipes guides when you join now:

And remember to Post a comment below.  Your burning health questions and what topics you’d like to see covered will be featured in blog posts and webinars.

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