Green Breakfast Idea!

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green smoothie - lemons

green smoothie - lemonsLots of people ask me what they should eat for breakfast. Seems like all their favorite foods have fallen out of favor as healthy choices – bacon and eggs, toast, sugary dried cereals, even granola, due to its high sugar and fat content. So what's left? For the more dedicated and ambitious, I recommend a green drink of some kind as a starter. This could be freshly pressed vegetable juice, predominantly green, a powdered green drink that can be easily mixed, or a green smoothie or soup.

The following is one of my favorite green smoothie recipes.

Lemony Mint Green Smoothie

  • 1-2 medium apples depending on desired sweetness
  • ½ – 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1 head Romaine hearts
  • 1/2 – 1 medium avocado, depending on thickness and richness desired
  • 1 handful mint leaves
  • 2 -4 cups water

Start with the lower quantity of all ingredients, and blend in a Vitamix or blender until creamy. Adjust to your desired thickness, sweetness, and lemon flavor. This smoothie is very refreshing and can be drunk any time of day. Make up your own version. Use different herbs. Add other green vegetables. I always find it refreshing and very energizing. For more breakfast ideas that allow you to start the day in a powerful way, I have a great book for you filled with breakfasts, such as chia porridge, that keep you satiated through the morning – Power Breakfast Ideas.

What do you do to start your day?  Share your breakfast ideas and morning routine tips with us.

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