Green Smoothie Cleansing for Combatting Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

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A glass of green juice with broccoli and lime, promoting optimal health and functional nutrition.

Green Smoothie Cleansing is easy, affordable and very effective if you suffer from low energy, chronic fatigue, aches and pains and even fibromyalgia.

Here are just a few of the results we've seen this week:

  • My fibro pain has lessened.
  • I feel better physically, emotionally and spiritually.
  • I have more energy
  • I have lost some weight and hope to continue losing
  • I feel better and hope to continue with this.
  • I feel like I am not stuck anymore and am finally changing!
  • The blockage is gone.
  • My food cravings are gone.
  • I do feel a sense of accomplishment and that I can keep learning and growing and healing.
  • I still have trouble falling asleep- but do wake up ready for the day and with a feeling of gratiitude.
  • My stress level is less
  • no drippy nose; the chronic mucus is gone.
  • I feel comfortable in my body now.
  • My senses are more acute (except for my eyes; they seem to be a bit blurry still).
  • My allergies are clearing up. I don't have as much mucus/ sneezing.
  • Lost about 4 lbs
  • Less aches in my body.
  • My energy level is improving.
  • The fat around my middle has decreased.
  • My congestion is gone.
  • The ache in my shoulder that has been nagging me since January is gone.
  • I am peaceful, calm and joyful.
  • My energy is through the roof.
  • My mind is clear and focused.
  • I am sleeping like a baby and waking up with ease.

These are taken form the participants journals.  I've enjoyed watching their progress.

We repeat the Green Smoothie Cleanse as a group every 3 months.  The materials and support are avaialble to do the program on your own as often as possible.  The newest feature we added recently is onlien pre and post cleanse assessments and daily online journals.   It helps me offer more personalized support.

Here are a few delicious recipes submitted by one of our participants.

“Orange Sunrise”

1 cup frozen mango
1 cup frozen mixed fruit
4 medium oranges
4 cups spinach
1 tsp whole vanilla bean powder

“Swiss Garden Soup”

3 tomatoes
1 english cucumber
4 cups red swiss chard
Juice of 1 lemon
1 garlic clove
1/8 tsp cayenne
1 tsp spirulina

“Garden of Eden Smoothie”

1 cup papaya
1 cup frz mango
1 cup frz mixed fruit
4 cups spinach
3 celery stalks
2 medium oranges
1 tsp dried mint or handful fresh
1 lemon juiced
1 Granny Smith Apple w/ Skin (Organic)
1 ginger nub

Enjoy these recipes.  For more information about Green Smotohie Cleansing, visit


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  1. clare cowell

    Hello there,
    can you advise me what greens i can consume, as i have an under active thyroid and have been told to avoid cruciferous veggies.
    I am also very interested in green smoothies as a raw option but am not sure what to put in them.


    • Ritamarie Loscalzo

      there’s a lot of misinformation about cruciferous vegetables and thyroid problems. I will be addressing it in detail on a future blog.

      To help you specifically with your issues, I would need to know more about your health and diet overall, which we could cover on a private strategy session:

      We also teach all about balancing hormones at

  2. Beverly Hill


    I am interested in getting the book “Dried and Gone to Heaven” I don’t want an E-Book. Will this be in book form in the coming months?


    Beverly Hill

    • Ritamarie Loscalzo

      yes it will be. We are exploring the best printing options. Its over 250 pages and color so it could be costly unless we find a publisher that can do it for us within a reasonable budget.

  3. freshgg

    Because of my illness, fibromyalgia I have been wanting a colonic irrigation for a long time with the mindset that the build up of toxins in ones body contribute to your overall health and well being. Reasons of not going ahead with one is not only the cost of them but I have heard they can be very uncomfortable and also embarrassing so to find a product that can work just as well is brilliant. I have been taking the Lady Soma Detox (two a day) for the last week and I have to say I can feel a big difference in my body. Not only am I less bloated I feel like I have more energy and not as lethargic as I usually am. Make sure you take it with plenty water a sit works better. I HAVE noticed a difference, my pain is not as intense and I do believe this is because slowly but surely I am ridding my body of the harmful toxins.



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