This Week on Vibrant Health Solutions Radio – Thursday, November 5, 2011
8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET
Whenever Halloween rolls around, so do the candy bars and sweet sugar-loaded treats. If it's tough for adults to always make the best lifestyle choices, imagine what it's like for kids!
And while it's tough to resist sugar, it's just as tough being a kid and facing serious conditions like obesity, diabetes, and attention disorders. Being teased for obesity is no laughing matter when you're a kid.
Ritamarie will be hosting a special call with kid-friendly language that will help your children to understand what happens when they feast on processed foods and what THEY can do to feel better and STILL have fun!
Join Dr. Ritamarie for this sweet and friendly call!
Be sure and check out all the fabulous recipe books Dr. Ritamarie has for the holidays: