It’s Time to Step, Bust, and Break Out of Your Comfort Zone!

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FAST: Food Allergy Spy Training - Eliminate Your Food Culprits

As I've been spending time getting ready to lead a group through my brand new Food Allergy Spy Program, I've been reflecting on how it feels to step outside your comfort zone and master a new skill. I've been stepping outside my comfort zone recently when it comes to art, and it's been interesting to note the parallels between art and health.

Have you noticed that when you're with like minded people and engaged in things you do well, you're engulfed in a feeling of comfort? You feel accepted, valued, and confident.

Take the same YOU and put yourself in a situation where people don't really have the same values and goals, or where you're in a position of being less of an authority about the subject matter at hand and it's a whole different feeling.

Why I'm Feeling Very Humble…

I recently started taking a pottery class. I've done it in the past, but it's been a long time. I've noticed there's a huge difference between how I present myself at my pottery class versus how I usually am during the day. 

During the day, I speak with people from a position of being an authority on the subject matter of nutrition. Usually, I am the teacher or I speak to colleagues who are on a similar level. Socially, I am comfortably surrounded with people who are passionate about being healthy and are familiar with concepts of natural healing modalities. It's a place of confidence that comes easily to me.

At my pottery class, I am in the company of folks who believe in the western medicine model and have very different ideas about the importance of nutrition when it comes to health.

I am also a beginner on the pottery wheel and am humbled by how difficult even the basic things can be. Whenever my instructor gives a demo that appears to be easy and I confidently sit down to duplicate the process, half the instructions become muddled and I lose track of the order of the steps. I very frequently need to ask for help on very basic steps.

You Won't Believe What I DIDN'T Say…

In this situation, my old shyness emerges and I start to feel self-conscious and inadequate. This is such a sharp contrast to how I feel when I am guiding my patients and students on complex nutrition and health topics.

Even when I overheard a couple of women talking about nutrition and sharing what I know of as blatantly inaccurate comments, I didn't feel comfortable enough in that environment to say anything.

When I heard one say to the other that it would be better for a nursing Mom whose baby is allergic to cow's milk to be switched to a non-dairy formula so she wouldn't have to restrict her own dairy intake, I so wanted to say something. But I was not in the mood for a possible confrontation, so I ignored it.

What is Your Discomfort Holding YOU Back From?

Perhaps you're feeling a bit outside your comfort zone as you learn and apply new diet and lifestyle habits in your zeal for restoring your health or reaching your ideal weight.

When you step outside your comfort zone, you set the stage for new doors to open up as you learn and master new techniques.

But it takes time and the process is accelerated by having a good mentor you can turn to for questions and guidance.

Why a Mentor Can Make a Difference…

For several years, when my kids were younger, I took pottery classes. I was just getting started on the wheel when my husband's travel schedule made it difficult for me to continue the classes. So I found a used kiln and wheel and set up a studio in the garage.

Know what happened?

I only used it two or three times over the past 6 years! Without the mentorship of an experienced teacher to guide me, I found it too difficult. Watching the videos and reading the books was just not cutting it and all of what I had learned before was not helping because I hadn't been practicing long enough to make it a habit.

Now that I am back in class with a teacher to turn to when I am confused or need help, I am making progress.

I've stepped outside my comfort zone in attending this class and so far, I've thrown 8 very imperfect pots. The more practice I get and the more guidance I receive, the better my skills will be.

Next week I'll post photos of my pots in various stages of completion to my blog.

You Don't Have to Struggle Alone!

It's hard being at the early stages of learning a new skill. Working with a skilled teacher will accelerate my growth.

In what areas can you step outside your comfort zone?

  • Maybe you've been tempted to join my Food Allergy Spy Program so you can learn how to eliminate the foods that are hurting you.
  • Do you use food for comfort and crave certain food items?
  • Perhaps you're feeling scared about the thought of giving up your comfort foods as part of the process.
  • Maybe you've been struggling for so long that you don't believe it could help.

Rest assured, the comfort you'll feel after eliminating the suspect foods is so much greater than the temporary distraction offered by your comfort foods.

And with my support and guidance you'll get over the confusing parts much more quickly that you would on your own.

In the book, The False Fat Diet by Elson Haas, MD, the connection between food allergies and reluctant fat is explored. In it he describes elimination and provocation. I read many books like this in my years of struggling to regain my health. Finally, I got it all figured out. Yet, had I the opportunity to participate in a program like my Food Allergy Spy Program it would have saved me two years of suffering and countless dollars.

Afraid? Let's Face Your Food Fears Together.

While the thought of an elimination diet may seem scary for you, it's well worth stepping outside your comfort zone to do it. The process I have developed for conducting an elimination diet actually has side benefits, too. Most drug approaches to illness have side effects. FAST has side benefits. The elimination phase of the program is also great for strengthening your detox mechanisms and healing your gut.

Just a reminder, the FAST program starts this evening (Tuesday, January 17th, 2012) and it's filling up fast. I only have a few seats remaining and then it's filled.

If you can't make tonight's live class or decide to wait until tomorrow to register, you can easily “catch up” by listening to the recording, but you run the risk of the class filling up while you're deciding. Also, the opportunity to get started for just $57 goes away tonight at class time.

FAST: Food Allergy Spy Training with Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

There's No Risk. Only FAST Benefits!

I want your total satisfaction and happiness. You can get started today and participate for a full week. If after next week's Q&A Coaching call you feel unable to proceed, we'll refund your money. It's that easy.

If you've been following me for a while, you know that I commit 100% to my program participants. I am invested in your success.

This program is loaded with opportunities to get my personal assistance with the process.

Since I will be training new coaches to help with the program in the future, this is the ONLY time the program will include so much of my personal attention. So step outside your comfort zone.

You can start with a tiny investment of $57 and there's no risk.

Magic happens when you step outside your comfort zone. And you'll be amazed at how much more quickly you'll make progress with the support of an experienced and caring mentor… me.

I look forward to getting to know you!

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