Mother’s Day Memories and Wishes

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An old photo of a vegan woman in a blue dress.

It’s been 20 years since I sent my Mom a card on Mother’s Day.  Of course, I still express my appreciation to her for all she did.  I just wish she was still around in physical form so I could give her a big hug and tell her how much I love her.

If your Mom is still alive, let her know how much you love her and appreciate her.  Give her a hug if you can.   Enjoy her while she’s here.  Don’t leave things unspoken, as you never know if this conversation will be the last.

The last time my Mom and I spoke was on Easter 1991.  It was late and we ended the conversation so we could go to sleep.  My Mom was sharing some childhood experiences and ended with, “There’s so much more to tell you, stories you’ve never heard.  We’ll get all caught up in June when you come to visit.”  I had been planning a 2 week stay after my graduation from chiropractic school.  I never got to hear those stories.  She died just a few days later.

I know in my heart that my Mom’s premature death was preventable. She was only 56!  Sometimes I blame myself, for not finding the right words to convince her to quit smoking and adopt a plant strong diet with lots of raw foods. I told her many times, and often I wasn’t as patient or kind about it as I could have been.  I just so wanted for her to change.  I gave her books to read…the ones written by MDs because they were “real doctors”  in her eyes…to no avail.

I copied articles from medical journals.  I even gave her a bottle of Vitamin C to go with the article that said that each cigarette depleted 100 mg of Vitamin C and asked her to at least take Vitamin C with her cigarettes.  My message fell on deaf ears.  When I found the unopened bottle of vitamins on her night stand and asked her why she wasn’t taking them, she told me she was scared that maybe they would have some kind of side effects.  Yet she smoked cigarettes, knowing the effects!

I graduated and started my practice just a couple of months after my Mom’s death, committed to saving other people’s Moms from my Mom’s fate.  I’ve dedicated my life to educating as many people as I possibly can about the dangers of processed food, smoking and other common unhealthy habits.

The war on cancer is far from being won.  Heart disease and diabetes take a  huge  toll.

At my son Kevin’s baseball game the other day, I watched as small children bought candy and chips from the concession stand, not knowing what danger lurked inside the pretty wrappers.  Parents give this stuff to their kids, thinking it’s safe.    It’s sad to watch these young ones creating the perfect environment for disease.   And the food they eat at home is not much better.  Most kids eat fewer vegetables in a month than I do in a day.

I miss my Mom, and in doing so, I strengthen my commitment to make a difference.  Education is foundational.

Changes are happening.   While we still have a long way to go, as a society, we have so much more awareness today of the diet–disease connection than we did when I first started on this path 26 years ago.  One step, one bite at a time, we can change the health of the world.  It starts with your commitment and dedication to yourself and your family and spreads from there.

If you’re a Mom, I wish you a joyful, healthy day.   Avoid the temptation to eat chocolate and unhealthy “treats” in celebration.  I’ve already put in my request for breakfast in bed!  On the menu is a green smoothie, fresh coconut water and a tropical fruit platter with fresh coconut, mango, pineapple and papaya.

Also on the agenda for the day are a run and a swim, and some relaxing time by the pool with a good book.   My favorite way to celebrate special days is with extra special self care.

Treat the Mom’s in your life to some good food, relaxation and lots of appreciation.

If my Mom was here to celebrate I’d treat her to one of the recipes in my book “Dessert:  Making it Rich Without Oil.”  I might try to somehow gift it to her anonymously, so she wouldn’t realize it was good for her until after she enjoyed it.  Then I would let her know.

With love and appreciation to all the Moms. May you seek health and in doing so, find the joy and fulfillment that vibrant health brings forth.

Love, Health and Happy Mother's Day!

Dr. Ritamarie

P.S.  Post a comment and let me know 2 things:  Do you see the resemblance between my Mom and I?  What are you doing  to honor your Mom for Mother's Day?

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  1. Debbie

    Yes – wow, do I ever see a resemblance between you and your Mom 🙂

    To honor my Mom, I posted her 16th birthday picture on Facebook in rememberance. I sure do miss her…

    • Ritamarie Loscalzo

      So sweet. I am going to go through old photos I have and create an album. I jhust found her wedding pictures …she was barely 20!

  2. Donata

    I could nor read mor ethan the first lines…it made me cry…What a nice photo!

  3. Joanne

    Oh yes, I definitely see the resemblance to your mother. Same smile, nose, face shape, eyebrows… Both of you beautiful!

    I think she would be so proud of you. Your work has probably saved countless lives, and vastly improved the lives of countless others.

    I sent my mum a card and gift for Mother’s Day, and spoke with her by phone (she lives in another state). I told her I loved her, as I always do whenever we speak – life’s too short not to. I know she knows anyway, but I feel it’s important to say it.

    Here’s to mothers!

    • Ritamarie Loscalzo

      Thanks for sharing. It’s so important to share it. My almost 13 year old just came up to me gave em a hug and walked away. No words…pure love! Made my day.

  4. Pamella Marie O'Dea

    Hi Ritamarie,
    Your story about your Mom touched my heart! Some think angels exist and if so I bet your Mom is hovering around you helping you get your message out to as many people as possible! I see a resemblance in the lower half of your faces, your noses and mouths with your fetching smiles!

    Sorry you were not able to help her overcome her addiction. Both of my brothers are addicted to cigarettes and one has already died at age 49. He would not eat the raw healthy foods I recommended so I had to surrender and let him go.

    I am a massage therapist and I spend a good deal of time sharing nutritional information with clients because many of their issues, are food related, inflammation, over acidity contributing to osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, lactic acid, gout etc.We can only freely share what we know and hope people are ready for the information, we cannot control only be conduits for open ears.

    I am fortunate to have both my Mother and Father alive who I have helped to the extent they are able to adopt healthier foods. Bless you and the work you are doing to make the world a healthier place!

    • Ritamarie Loscalzo

      Thanks so much….I am so happy to hear your aprents are alive and willing to listen to your sage advice~! Keep up the wonderful work.

  5. Pamella Marie O'Dea

    Hi Ritamarie,
    Your story about your Mom touched my heart! Some think angels exist and if so I bet your Mom is hovering around you helping you get your message out to as many people as possible! I see a resemblance in the lower half of your faces, your noses and mouths with your fetching smiles!

    Sorry you were not able to help her overcome her addiction. Both of my brothers are addicted to cigarettes and one has already died at age 49. He would not eat the raw healthy foods I recommended so I had to surrender and let him go.

    I am a massage therapist and I spend a good deal of time sharing nutritional information with clients because many of their issues, are food related, inflammation, over acidity contributing to osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, lactic acid, gout etc.We can only freely share what we know and hope people are ready for the information, we cannot control only be conduits for open ears.

    I am fortunate to have both my Mother and Father alive who I have helped to the extent they are able to adopt healthier foods. Bless you and the work you are doing to make the world a healthier place!

  6. Pamella Marie O'Dea

    PS I gave my Mom a gym pass a yoga series pass and flowers and deep expressions of my love and respect and appreciation for everything she has done to support me!

  7. Pamella Marie O'Dea

    PS I gave my Mom a gym pass a yoga series pass and flowers and deep expressions of my love and respect and appreciation for everything she has done to support me!

  8. ntathu allen

    Your mum is proud of you. Your purpose passion and desire for peaceful eating shines through–mothers lay the foundation, give you the wings to fly–and like all mums, your mum did the best she can do. Don’t beat yourself up-just breathe, enjoy your children and follow on in the footsteps of your dear mum.

  9. June

    Thanks for sharing your story! You share many traits with your mother, physically and in strength of commitment. She held tenaciously to her beliefs as you are to yours. Admirable qualities to possess! Both of you beautiful.

    My mom passed away in 1994, on May 1st, Greek Orthodox Easter, six days shy of her 69th birthday. Having already lost my dad sixteen years earlier, age 55, I became an orphan that day. Even as an adult, age 43 in my case, you feel that pain deeply and forever.

    Mom was the center of her 5 children’s lives, near or far. My family and I lived the furthest distance away. But, I was able to share many wonderful trips with her over the years. She was always ready to hop on a plane from California to Texas, or Ohio, or back to Texas as we moved from state to state. She loved being the doting grandma and “loved my kids up” when present.

    My happiest and proudest moments were those shared when we flew Mom to Norway, twice, to be among her extended family of first, second, third, etc. cousins. I loved just sitting and listening as she blended in seamlessly laughing and exchanging stories.

    I was blessed and am blessed to be Mom to two wonderful kids. I recently attended the wedding of our daughter and now have another son. Hugs and kisses are sent through the mail…from California.

    Today is to celebrate the life of those present and absent and treat ourselves to health and well being.

    Happy Mother’s Day to all!

    • Ritamarie Loscalzo

      Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful story. I know what you mean. My dad died 2 years after her, at age 62 and we all hugged and said now we’re orphans. Most of us adults, yet it still feels like being a small child left to be in the world on our own. Blessings your way! and hugs too.

  10. Claire

    My mom was only 48 when she died – smoked and drank and never found the answers to how to conquer these things either… no wonder either that I am a convert to raw and living foods and alternative therapies. Thank you for sharing the great information and personal coaching! Wish I were celebrating by the pool – am flying & driving to reach home by this evening. Enjoy your day Moms everwhere!

    • Ritamarie Loscalzo

      enjoy your day…thanks and so sorry that you’ve suffered. Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll help countless others by example the same loss….

  11. Julie

    Thanks so much for sharing.
    We try so hard to share but people still look at us as if we’re on the strange diet.
    Yet I’m blown over by th difference that Raw food has made in my life in just 17 months.

    Your mom looked just like you with short hair. xoxoxox

  12. Michelle Schreiber

    Thanks for the post – I definitely see the resemblance!
    In honor of my Mom, I have sent flowers and a pair of juil grounding
    sandals. Also, phone calls and FB posts ; )
    It’s my first Mother’s Day as a Mom. I’m spending it with my partner and
    baby, and going for a run when the Texas sun bows down a bit later ; )
    Hope to see you soon, Ritamarie! Happy Mother’s Day!!!

    • Ritamarie Loscalzo

      Congrats new mom. I didn’t know you two were expecting. Wonderful. Great gift for mom!

  13. Vicki Spencer

    I see the resemblance.
    Today my brother, husband and I drove to San Antonio to take my 87 year old mother to Church and lunch. I’m so grateful I still have her and I talk with her on the phone every day..

    • Ritamarie Loscalzo

      Its so awesome that you have your mom. Happy mothers day. I appreciate you

  14. Pamela Farmer Weems

    Hi Ritamarie!
    Yes, I DO see the resemblance between you and your mother! The “Joie de vivre” is very apparent!

    I lost my mother August 1, 1985, the day I found out I was expecting my first child. In fact, I was headed to the phone to call her when the phone rang and my brother told me that Mom had passed away during the night. She had lung cancer and had stopped smoking 14 months earlier but not in time to heal. She was 65 years old. I like to think that she would have stopped earlier if she had thought that this horrible habit was going to deprive her of time with her granddaughter. How I missed her during the child-raising years!

    My husband’s mother lives close enough to visit every month or so, which we did today. She is frail and doesn’t always feel like going out to eat but she loves our visits, phone calls and little goodies we bring (like graw-nola, dates, and turtle brownies). And we love her stories!

    I am thankful for my mother and my mother-in-law and what they have meant to me and my husband.

    • Ritamarie Loscalzo

      How sad that your mom missed your kids. I diodnt know that she died so close to your delivery. Happy Mother’s day!!!

  15. Melissa

    Yes there is a strong resemblance between you and your Mom. My mom is 87 years and doing very well. Her mom lived to 98. Wish I lived closer to be able to spend more time with her.

    I am so glad I found your web site. I really enjoy your weekly radio blog. I appreciate your endless efforts to enlighten us all about real health. I have learned so much. Thank-you.

  16. jackie

    Yes, you look a lot like your mom! Do the rest of your siblings?
    My mother has some dementia so I brought her a pretty flowering bonsai tree to brighten up her studio apartment. She always liked plants and used to be in the garden club in her younger days, so I hope this will make her feel good.



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