Radio Show: Food as Healer: Another Way to Approach Sugar Addiction

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sugar dangers

sugar dangersHost and Guest Speaker

Host: Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo interviews Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.

In this show you'll learn:

  • What sugar addiction and being sugar sensitive is all about.
  • Why your sugar addiction has more to do with your biochemistry than your willpower.
  • How food can be the healer when dealing with a sugar addiction.

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New Health Internet Radio with Dr Ritamarie on BlogTalkRadio


You probably think your sugar addiction is about lack of willpower or discipline or motivation. It is not. It is about your biochemistry. You were born with a body that responds to sugar, alcohol, and refined carbohydrates differently than other people. You are sugar sensitive. Sugar acts like a drug in your body. In fact, it affects the very same brain chemicals that morphine, heroin, and amphetamines do.

Because you have a sugar-sensitive body, you can be addicted to sugar. You can't NOT eat it. And because you are sugar sensitive, the “high” you get from eating sugar is actually heightened.

Sugar addiction is not a joke or a fad. It is a serious problem for your health and happiness.

we seek the special potions, powders and creams that promise getting rid of wrinkles, reversing age spots and firming our sagging rear ends.

Most of these potions and pills end up draining our bank account, and leaving us feeling duped and doomed to move through aging kicking and screaming. The original “snake oil” salesman was probably promising the fountain of youth in a bottle.

SO what's fact and what's fiction in the world of longevity research?

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we seek the special potions, powders and creams that promise getting rid of wrinkles, reversing age spots and firming our sagging rear ends.

Most of these potions and pills end up draining our bank account, and leaving us feeling duped and doomed to move through aging kicking and screaming. The original “snake oil” salesman was probably promising the fountain of youth in a bottle.

SO what's fact and what's fiction in the world of longevity research?

– See more at:

Join Dr. Ritamarie and Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons as they discuss how being sugar sensitive means you have unstable blood sugar, and how it effects the way the rest of your body, especially your hormones, handles it. Sugar is a factor in many diseases since it leaches away many vitamins and minerals from your body. This sets up the ripple effect of compromising your immune system, weakening your body, and making you vulnerable to illness.

kdpepperthanksmedKathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D., is the best selling author of Potatoes Not Prozac, The Sugar Addict's Total Recovery Program, Your Last Diet, Little Sugar Addicts, and Your Body Speaks. She is both a compassionate coach and a social commentator, who has taken the concept of sugar sensitivity and transformed the way of looking at the relationship of addiction and food as a healing agent. Kathleen is a cultural visionary, understanding the essence of addiction in a compassionate and revolutionary way.

Kathleen's name has become synonymous with the healing of sugar addiction through nutrition. The genuineness of her vision and the depth at which people have bonded with her message, have powered the development of her website at Radiant Recovery into a leading voice of hope and healing throughout the world. In 1998, she set out to build a worldwide community of supportive sharing, previsioning the social networking of today. She has empowered hundreds of women and men to collaborate with her in providing support to thousands daily.

Additional Resources:

Dr. DesMaisons has a free weekly newsletter to sign up for at her website. Her books are also available on Amazon.

Check out Dr. Ritamarie's VITAL Health Community for additional resources on the role that food plays in your health and strategies for planning your meals for you to live your life full of energy and vitality.

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