Raw Foods For Health and Vitality: Eating for Energy Talk and Potluck

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One of the issues I hear a lot is that it's hard to make diet changes while living in the world of glittery processed foods and social pressures. Temptations abound and sometimes you may feel all alone.

Having a support system in place is an important part of adopting a diet and life style program that goes against the grain. My monthly raw foods potlucks were started to provide such support. If you live in or near Austin Texas, please join us this Saturday evening, January 31 for our next event.  It's a great way to make new friends, learn new recipes and connect with people who are supportive of your diet and lifestyle choices.

After dinner, I'll be sharing some ideas about eating to combat fatigue and exhaustion, or to simply increase your energy level so that you can enjoy your life more fully.

If there is time and interest after the talk, I'd like to share a health empowering DVD.

For more details about the potluck, go to https://drritamarie.com/meetup and sign up.

There are details about what to bring at https://drritamarie.com/potluck.htm

I hope to see you soon.

Love, Health and Joy

Dr. Ritamarie

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