Ashwagandha, aka Withania Somnifera, is an ayurvedic herb native to India. It's widely used as a therapy for hypothyroidism, as an adrenal adaptogen and a liver support herb.
According to Herbal Master David Winston, Ashwagandha has also been used for low sperm count, lack of libido, and poor performance in the bedroom. Some indigenous African people use it for infectious diseases like typhoid and syphilis and/or women who have repeated miscarriage.
It's widely used to induce hormone balance, as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory and for autoimmune conditions. David Winston uses it along with kudzu, cyperus, and black cohosh for fibromyalgia.
Ashwagandha is also purported to improve brain function, and it’s been used in geriatric populations in India for people with mental deficits and for memory-improvement. Some studies even suggest that ashwagandha may stimulate the growth of axons and dendrites in the nerves.
Ashwagandha has been used traditionally to alleviate anxiety and panic, mild mood swings, lack of mental clarity and focus and mental as well as physical fatigue.
More recent research suggests that raw ashwagandha may increase the levels of the antioxidants superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase, which may actually explain the anti-stress, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects observed.
Ashwagandha is widely recognized for its adaptogenic properties in helping to mitigate the effects of stress on the body.
In summary, some of the benefits of using Ashwaganda are:
- Supports adrenal function by improving stress response
- Increases the production and utilization of thyroid hormone
- May improve memory and mental function
- Possible benefits for occasional panic attacks and anxiety
- Improving depression and stabilizing mild to moderate mood changes
- May combat mental or physical fatigue
- May support the immune-system
Two of my favorite places to get Ashwagandha and other herbal and mushroom powders are Z Natural foods and Mountain Rose Herbs.
Ashwagandha is one of my favorite herbs, and it can be used as a tincture, as a decoction, as a powdered extract added to smoothies and elixirs, and as capsules. My favorite is to add to elixirs. The only caution with Ashwagandha is for people who have a tendency towards hyperthyroidism, and those that are of an excessively hot constitution.
My FREE endless energy elixirs book contains recipes that use Ashwagandha powder.
With love and appreciation,
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Yes, I have been taking ashwganda for a year now. I have a low thyroid and hopefully it is helping as my tests remain the same.
I think that’s great, Patricia, that you are including ashwagandha to help your thyroid. If you’d be interested in learning more about ideas to help with the thyroid, we have a free video and audio, plus recipes at