Enjoying Healthy Holiday Celebrations and Avoiding Post Holiday Fatigue Symptoms

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I’m sure you know by now that New Year’s Resolutions rarely work. Just knowing that you can make them gives you the perfect excuse for making unhealthy choices through the holiday season. But really, how fun will it be to wake up next year with an expanded mid-section, too tired to get out of bed much less exercise, and an assortment of aches and pains that you may be tempted to blame on old age?

The image of Santa Claus with his big belly stuffing himself with cookies and milk may somehow seem to make it ok to have just one more slice of pie. But really, is it worth it?

The time to start making 2009 your healthiest year ever is NOW. But if you indulge in all the holiday cheer this month, by January 1, you’ll have a lot of catching up to do.

There is another choice. You can decide that this year it’s going to be different, can’t you?

I’d love to help you arm yourself with the perfect tools so you can indulge without the bulge. Enjoy delicious treats, celebrate joyfully at parties and family gatherings, and experience the energy and stamina to connect meaningfully with those you love.

Here are a few Fatigue Busting Resources for this Holiday Season:

1- Eating for Energy: Quick and Healthy Meal Preparation to Powerfully Fuel Your Body Is a free teleseminar, being offered this Thursday evening, December 11. This teleclass will help you to avoid fatigue symptoms this holiday season.

2- *Magic in the Kitchen* is a live class on Sunday, December 14 in Austin, Texas. In this class, I’ll be morking my magic on fresh whole, living foods and creating delicious, energy enhancing meals, on the fly. It’s easy enough that you can do it, too.

3- In addition to offering this class for half off my usual tuition, friends attend too at half of half price and I’m donating ten dollars for each full tuition and five dollars for each half tuition to a family in need this holiday season. The class will be filmed, so even if you can’t come watch me work my magic and turn simple whole, fresh foods into decadently delicious meals, the DVD will be available later. There will be door prizes, a raffle and all kinds of fun activities to help you become more energetic, vibrant and healthy through the holidays and into the New Year.

4: Indulge Without the Bulge- Seven Secret Strategies for Thriving through the Holiday Season: DVD, booklet with recipes, and laminated reminder checklist: http://www.IndulgeWithoutBulge.com

I look forward to connecting soon.

Love and Health

Dr. Ritamarie

P.S. No time to read the whole email? Here’s the cliff notes version:
Eating for Energy Teleconference Call: Thursday Dec 11 8:30 PM Central Time

Magic in the Kitchen: Sunday Dec 14: 2:00 PM Central
Discounts on e-books and programs: https://drritamarie.com/holidayspecials.htm

Indulge Without the Bulge DVD: http://www.IndulgeWithoutBulge.com

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Phone: 512 3499677
Austin, Texas 78730

In Summary:

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