Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish

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Raw Food Entertaining for the Holidays

There are many who treat entertaining as an art. Carefully decorated dinner tables and meticulously planned meals can be the talk of friends and neighbors for years to come! Now that the holidays are just around the corner, you may have more parties to go to, potlucks to attend, or your own guests to serve and delight.

Which leads to the inevitable questions…

What do I bring?
What should I serve?
What can I make that's both healthy AND will make people happy?

The Appetizing Answers are Here!

Rather than always wondering what to do for such events, you can load up with light-on-the-waistline raw food party and potluck dishes for your guests and hosts! These fresh, finger-food recipes, all part of our Raw Food University series, will not only delight the eyes and reward the taste buds of your friends and loved ones, they will also nourish them with nutrition!

Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish

All dishes are made from completely from living foods: 100% gluten-free and dairy-free! There are no sugars, no processed oils, no grains, and no cooking!

You can listen to an interview with Dr. Ritamarie and Chef Karen Osborne as they talk about making fun and fresh holiday dishes you can serve at your next party or potluck:

Party Platter:

Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish - party platter

Crowned Cucumber Canapé with
Tasty Trimming Nut “Cheese”

Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish - Crowned Cucumber Canape

Crowned Cucumber Canapé with
Satin “Salmon” Mousse and Dill

Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish - Crowned Cucumber Canape

Crowned Cucumber Canapé with
Satin “Salmon” Mousse and Capers

Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish - Crowned Cucumber Canape

Shiitake Basil Bites

Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish - Shiitake Basil Bites

Tomato-Wee Wonder Boats
with Pistachio Sails

Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish - Tomato-Wee Wonder Boats

Tomato-Wee Wonder Boats
with Basil Sails

Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish - Tomato-Wee Wonder Boats

Stuffed Zucchitti Bitties with
Tantalizing “Tuna” Paté

Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish - Stuffed Zucchitti Bitties

Cheesy Apri-chios

Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish - Cheesy Apri-chios

Can't Be Beeten Ravioli with Pesto
(in festive Holiday shapes!)

Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish - Can't Be Beeten Ravioli with Pesto

Ambrosial Amaretto Truffles

Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish - Ambrosial Amaretto Truffles

Ravishing Rose Cream Squares

and more!

You'll be surprised when you discover how quick and easy all of these raw food Party and Potluck nibbles are to make! Join us and ensure your next holiday party is one that's memorable, healthy, and healing!

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1 Comment

  1. Alec Grigsby

    Thanks for the article post.Really thank you! Much obliged.



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