Radio Show: Vibrant Health and Youthfulness at Any Age

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A woman achieving optimal health by practicing a handstand on a grassy field while following a vegan lifestyle.

vibrant healthy Host and Guest:

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo interviews      Jisele Tuuri

In this show you'll learn:

  • Raw food nutrition and belly dance fitness
  • Proper sleep and time to relax and rejuvenate
  • Taking time for quiet time, self reflection, and self appreciation

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How young are you?  Old age is a choice.

Have you ever come across people who seem to be ageless? Not only do they look like time has frozen for them, but they also give off that energy and vitality of someone in their youth or prime.

I’m sure you thought — I want a double-shot of what he or she is having!

Preventing or reversing signs of premature aging, losing weight, and balancing hormones naturally are just a few of the many benefits of a lifestyle that includes raw foods, sleep, and exercise like belly dancing.

Join Dr. Ritamarie and Jisele Tuuri as they discuss the set of beliefs and habits you can perform to support and promote an ageless lifestyle.

0e52b05Jisele Tuuri has been living the raw food lifestyle for over 9 years, empowering women for more than 20 years as a Belly Dance Instructor, and is just a good listener for so many women.   Jisele had entered into a time in her life where she began to experience pre-menopausal symptoms.  That showed up as anxiety, depression, foggy thinking, night sweats and hot flashes.  The depression felt like being stuck in a deep hole that she couldn’t crawl out of even though she knew how much life had to offer her.  Night sweats and hot flashes not only interrupted her sleep but was embarrassing and extremely uncomfortable throughout the day.  Needless to say she felt miserable, and when you are experiencing those feelings in your body you are ready to try anything to feel like a “normal” person again.

She tried anti-depressants, building her adrenal glands, different supplements and herbal combinations.  It all was helpful……temporarily.  After plenty of tears and frustration, she went on bio- identical hormone replacement therapy, which is supposed to be more “body friendly,” but it was still a prescription drug.  After discovering the benefits of the raw food lifestyle which enabled her to wean herself off of hormone replacement therapy, Jisele found other unexpected benefits.  She also personally experienced and observed in other women the transformation they had through belly dancing.  Jisele felt that raw foods and belly dance was a perfect combination towards healing, more confidence, looking and feeling younger and healthier, and just bringing more joy and aliveness to one’s life!

Additional Resources:

When you go to Jisele's website, Loving Raw Foods, you'll find more information about what she offers as well as a complimentary gift of easy and delicious video recipes.  You may also sign up for a free 45-minute session with her by e-mailing her at [email protected].

Jisele also has two books available for purchase – “Delicious Raw Food Recipes for Beauty and Youthfulness” and “Simple Solutions for a Sexy and Slender Body with Raw Life Enhancing Foods.”

Check out Dr. Ritamarie's VITAL Health Community for additional resources on the role that plants and herbs play on your hormones and digestive health, as well as strategies to include in your daily routines to achieve more vitality.

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