Burnout – Do You Know Where Your Energy Is?

Do you wake up after a long night's sleep only to still feel exhausted?

Tired of being tired? What fun things are you missing out on because your get up and go has got up and went?

You may very well be experiencing burnout.

Did you know that your organs and glands can suffer from fatigue? Your skin and immune system can, too.

When you turn down the internal metabolic furnace and burn your fuel more slowly, the inevitable result is weight gain or the inability to easily shed your extra pounds. Generally, this slow-down is accompanied by a feeling of exhaustion, but not always.

Often the “exhaustion” is at a cellular level. When your skin is tired, you get outbreaks and slow wound healing. When your digestion becomes sluggish, you may experience constipation or indigestion. A fatigued immune system can’t adequately protect you from microbes and starts to attack itself. And a worn out liver is unlikely to be efficient at eliminating toxins.

How tired are you? Identify your stage of burnout within the spectrum of energetic or completely exhausted.

Join Dr. Ritamarie and learn what influences may be making you tired at a cellular level.

Before your “house” burns down, access successful strategies for refueling your energy tank before it hits “E”! Get ideas you can start on right away! Check out Dr. Ritamarie's Checklist of Foods that Reverse Belly Fat, Fatigue, and Lack of Focus!